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Mothers Rock! (And they ARE our rock.)

Mother & Anna

Mother’s Day is coming up the drive. We each have our own unique relationship with the woman who bears that title. And I thank God every day for mine. She married her high school sweetheart very young and then had children very young. From the stories she (but mostly my wonderful grandmother) told me, life was hard. But things gradually got better and because she started young, we’ve been adults together for a great long while. That means that I still have a precious friend and Mother rolled into one entity. She’s a legit BFF!

She’s always been my biggest encourager and supporter. Whatever project I wanted to tackle and every crazy idea I had, Mother was down for it. Occasionally she’d tell me to ask Daddy, like when I wanted to build an electromagnetic motor. (And he did help me; it turned out pretty cool.) She taught me to sew, to cook, to garden, to be creative, to look outside of the box, to love reading, and to always love learning. When my Girl Scout leader quit, she took over the troop so we wouldn’t be disbanded. She was my riding cohort because my sisters weren’t horse crazy like me. She attended every concert and contest we ever played in during our public school years; even a few in college & beyond.

When, as an adult, I had a large flute studio, I would have my students play in a studio recital each spring on Mother’s Day as a gift of performing for our mothers. My Mother would come to Lubbock a few days early and help me bake for the huge reception which followed the recital.  That was how she spent Mother’s Day for many, many years.

Beating cancer was scary. But the support and prayers of family and friends made all of the difference. Mother was here helping Bob, holding my head, cooking, and cleaning. She didn’t ask about coming, she just showed up and we were so grateful.

It is comforting to know that she daily lifts her entire family in prayer. She’s a loving, moral, compassionate, faithful, strong, independent, and intelligent woman who has been a superb roll model for daughters, sons-in-law, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I realize that's a great many adjectives in one sentence; but they all describe a truly remarkable soul.  I would be remiss if I didn't add that she's been know to be a tad feisty and stubborn as well, lol!  I’ve often jokingly said (though there is likely a wee bit of truth to it) that I was such a head-strong and outspoken child that if Mother hadn’t guided me to be what I am today, I would have probably ended up a problem child and a problem adult! She was strict, but there was always a boatload of obvious love surrounding it.

I’m sure you have equally fabulous feelings about your mother, even if she is no longer with you. I am thankful that mine is. If your are looking for a gift to celebrate your love for yours, I have a few pieces I believe you will like. Front and center on one is a pendant depicting a sterling silver heart containing a parent and child. The other features a copper plated lead-free pewter circle containing a tree of life. The secure roots put down by family truly sustain us all.

Happy Mother’s Day to those of you privileged to know the love and sacrifice which accompany being called “Mother.”

Click on the photos below for more details.  FYI, there are more than one of each of these available! 

AND. . . SPEND AT LEAST $20 IN THE MOTHER'S DAY COLLECTION AND GET 10% OFF THROUGH SUNDAY, MAY 9, 2021. (gift card excluded from discount)

 mother-child-heart-with-iridescent-purple-silver-necklace-earrings   mother-child-heart-with-iridescent-purple-silver-necklace-earrings   mother-child-heart-with-powdered-rose-creamrose-necklace-earrings

copper-tree-of-life-w-goldstone-necklace-fish-hook-earrings       copper-tree-of-life-necklace-fish-hook-earrings

Click below for the entire Mother's Day Gift Collection.

Mother's Day Gift Selections


  • Maybe I will live up to all that if I live long enough! It all goes back to the example of our own parents. I was raised in a home with love from parents and siblings. It is humbling to have the love and respect of your daughters, sons-in-law, and on down. God has blessed Bill and me!

  • You spoke perfectly about Addie Belle. She and my mom were more than just cousins. I have childhood memories of your mom that I’ll always remember. While my mom is no longer living (died in 2000) I’m glad your mom is. You 3 girls are blessed to the max. While my financial situation doesn’t allow me to partake of your creative talent, rest assured one day I’ll buy something as soon as I can. Shalom Anna

    Mertie Tonjes

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