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jasper images
We’re wafting towards fall. The horses’ winter coats are growing in and my riding time is moving from early morning to afternoon. The garden is slowing down drastically and will be put to bed soon. I have one watermelon, a few cantaloupe, and a fair number of tomatoes that I’ll leave as long as possible. I told you about the good sweet potato crop. I see sweet potato biscuits in my near future. I'll dig out that recipe, make them, and share the recipe in my next blog!

This week I thought we’d explore a stone with as much color diversity as my garden. Jasper embraces just about every color, though rarely blue. The info below was gleaned from various geological websites.

Remember the progression silica to quartz to chalcedony to agate from last week? Well, this time it’s silica to quartz to chalcedony to jasper. A thin slice of agate is translucent. A thin slice of jasper is opaque. Both are microcrystalline, (meaning the crystal make-up needs magnification to be viewed) quartz. Up to 20% of jasper will be from foreign trace impurities. Those impurities in the quartz chalcedony prevent light from passing through. Deposits of silica formed with fissures and cracks which later filled with oxides and dioxides and even organic material. Then hydrothermal circulation (flow of hot water most often heated within the earth’s crust) caused fracturing and distortion and created unique and interesting patterns that were filled with those other materials. The different colors come mostly from the impurities imbedded, with the passage of time intensifying them. Jasper is very easily polished to reflect light and is fairly hard, making it an excellent stone for jewelry.

There are many versions of jasper. The name usually has to do with the color, pattern, or mined location. It is found almost world-wide. Below are a few of the ones I’ve used before.

Bloodstone Jasper
Cobra Jasper
Leopard Skin Jasper
Picture Jasper
Poppy Jasper
Red Jasper
Tiger Jasper
Wood Jasper - petrified wood turned chalcedony by silica-rich ground water
Yellow Jasper
Zebra Jasper

Metaphysically it is often called ‘Super Nurturer.’ Another stone worn from ancient times for physical and spiritual protection, it is considered steady and calming. In Exodus in the Bible, it is the 12th jewel in the High Priest Aaron’s breastplate.

Below are several pieces in which I've incorporated the various jaspers. They will be 10% off from now until October 21 at 11:59 pm. Enjoy!!!

https:turquoise-fresh-water-pearls-wood jasper-horse-shoe-nail-cross-icthus-necklace-matching-earrings  carved-wood-horse-head-cobra jasper-salwag-seeds-necklace-earrings    red-jasper-donut-necklace-earrings  wood jasper stones-ceramic-in-tan-cream-necklace-earrings  swarovski-shell-pendant-on-picture-jasper-necklace-bracelet-earrings  

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