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Personality in Hatbands

me in a hat


Happy Fall!  The mornings are definitely feeling like that season, but the afternoons, not so much. We’re to be up to 80 this week-end!

I’m a country girl; always have been. Yes, I’m a professional musician and I love classical music. I love to dress up and go semi-fancy. But I also love country and living in my jeans in the country. As you know by now, we have a garden, a small orchard, and a bit of land. I also have my two wonderful lipizzan horses. That’s the ‘long way 'round the barn’ to introduce that I wear a cowboy hat - not a cap (I do have a cap from Pitkin, CO that I love) - almost every day when I go to the barn. I even wear it when we travel, although the hat for mucking stalls is NOT my travel hat. My redhead’s fair skin definitely appreciates the respite from the sun. A hat is also an easy ‘umbrella’ at times. I have a couple of summer straws and a really nice bespoke winter felt. It was shaped to accommodate the wires under my scalp that lead from the neurotransmitter to the electrodes in my brain for the DBS which controls my essential tremor. Wearing that one for extended periods is very comfortable. The hatband on it features one of my fused glass pieces!

fused glass hat ornament

So I was looking at some of my stone beads one day and thought ‘those would make a great hatband!’  They did indeed and I was inspired to go looking for more stones that would be cool ‘statement’ hatband components. I found some double drilled ones that I LOVED and the rest, as they say, is history. There is now a collection on the website dedicated to gemstone hatbands. I recently had a booth at the All American Cowboy Festival in Ruidoso Downs, NM. I sold several of them and received a plethora of positive comments. A hat booth down from me even sent a few folks my direction! I find that show folks are always friendly and willing to help out each other.

Perhaps you wear a hat as well.  But If you don't, you’re bound to know at least one someone who does. Take a look yourself, then send your hat wearing friends to my website to look around.

I’ve also been feeding my wire weaving obsession, so there are a number of new pieces in that collection as well. Check it out.

I'm sure you don't need a reminder that it’s Christmas shopping time. As a small business owner, I’d love to have your support. What you order from me definitely won’t be stuck on a ship waiting to be unloaded!

Just click the appropriate photo to link to that collection!  Happy shopping.


picasso jasper hatband


green woven wire earrings

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