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Please note that the poem and photos ARE copyrighted.
This is a Poem book about love and relationships with beautiful pictures of flower blossoms! Produced on Shutterfly.
After a college student contemplating proposing to his girlfriend asked to talk one day in my office, we had a discussion about serious relationships. I love to write, so I wrote this poem to sum up my feelings on the matter and gave it to him. Years later I was viewing the photos my husband had just taken on a trip to Canada, and thought how wonderfully they would enhance that particular poem. I was already in the habit of giving a copy of the poem to friends and former students who were about to embark on a life-long relationship. I decided creating an illustrated version would make an even better gift. After placing a few of the books at my jewelry show booths, I realized that other folks also found them to be thoughtful, beautiful relationship, wedding and anniversary gifts. I pray you find meaning in the words and joy in the flower photos.